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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Program Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Spring Break, Summer, Winter Break
  • Restrictions: CatholicU applicants only
  • Dates / Deadlines
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Program Advisor: Robert Dowden Program Type: CUA
Program Description:

Beijing, China

CUAbroad Diversity Scholarship


Scholarship Amount:    Up to $500 for European Locations

Up to $1,000 for Non-European Locations

Number of Awards: Up to 5 awards per year

Eligibility Criteria

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Catholic University undergraduate student enrolled full-time at the time of application
  • Planned participation in a semester, summer break, winter break, or academic year Catholic University-run or affiliated education abroad program
  • Financial need (as evidenced by current financial aid)
  • Member of a group traditionally under-represented in education abroad. Consider that diverse and underrepresented groups may include:
    • Racial or ethnic minorities
    • First generation college students
    • Community college transfer students
    • Students with disabilities
    • Student athletes
    • Students with a spouse or children
    • Students in a diverse field of study
    • Students studying abroad in a destination other than Western Europe, Australia, or New Zealand
    • And others...
*For the purposes of this award, "diverse field of study" will include the following fields: music, drama, art, engineering, nursing, social work, and students enrolled in the Metropolitan School of Professional Studies.

Dispersal of the award is contingent upon acceptance to a credit-bearing Catholic University-run or affiliated program.

Recipients of Tuition Exchange and Faculty/Staff Tuition Assistance Benefits are not eligible.

Service Requirement

Service has always been a key part of the Catholic University mission. If you are awarded a Diversity Scholarship, you will be required to conduct a minimum of two service activities to benefit your host community abroad as well as two activities to help promote international education at Catholic University. These activities must be completed within one semester of returning to Catholic University. This will be a key component of your scholarship application. You will be asked to describe specific ways you intend to “give back” to your hosts on-site and to the Catholic University community upon your return.  Some items to consider:

  • Briefly outline your proposed activities. How will these activities impact Catholic University or your host community? What are your project goals?
  • What is your target population and how will your activities impact this group?
  • How will you integrate the impact of your experiences abroad into your project?
  • What, if any, campus departments, student organizations, and/or community organizations will you collaborate with? Have you already made contact with these groups?
While abroad, the awardee will keep an online blog with pictures and narratives describing the education abroad experience. Upon return, the awardee will be required to assist the recruiting activities of CUAbroad. As part of these activities, the student may create a personal profile and make presentations on the education abroad experience to an under-represented student population or group. Documentation showing the fulfillment of the service requirement will be required upon return. All submitted materials become property of CUAbroad, and excerpts may be used in any or all CUAbroad electronic and printed publications.

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 10/01/2024
Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Spring Break 2025 10/05/2024
Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Summer 2025 03/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Fall 2025 03/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Spring 2026 10/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.

Indicates that deadline has passed