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Programs : Budget Sheet

The following listing represents the Summer Budget Sheet for Law: International Business and Trade.

Summer Budget Sheet for Law: International Business and Trade
Summer Budget Sheet for Law: International Business and Trade
Budget Item CatholicU Students
Total: $0.00
2023 Summer Financial Aid 

International Business and Trade Summer Law Program, Krakow, Poland 

(June 11 – July 12, 2023) 

Federal and/or private student loans are available to cover the cost of tuition, fees, airfare, accommodations, meals, and miscellaneous  personal expenses based on the following estimates. CUA does not provide scholarship funds for summer sessions, except for full-tuition  scholarships and subject to career maximums. 

Application Fee $50 $ _________ 

Tuition $1,130 per credit (3-6 cr.) $ _________ 

Program Fee $500 $ _________ 

New Student Fee $200 $ _________ 

Books est. $150 - $350 $ _________ 

Airfare est. $1,100 - $1,350 $ _________ 

Accommodations est. $1,400 - $2,000 $ _________ 

Meals and Misc. est. $1,200 - $1,600 $ _________ 

Totals est. $7,790 -$12,630 (avg. $10,210) $ _________ 

To Request Summer Federal Loans 

1. The minimum number of credits for federal loan eligibility for a summer session is three. 

2. The summer session is part of the 2022-2023 academic year, and therefore if federal student loans were used for the fall and/or  spring semesters, a new FAFSA is not needed. If this is your first student loan for the 2022-2023 academic year, then complete a  FAFSA at 

3. (March) Complete a Summer Loan Request Form (available online in paper or electronic version at and click on the “Summer Financial Aid” link. 

4. (April) The Financial Aid Office will create a summer loan record, and notify you when completed. You will then use Cardinal Students to accept the desired loan amount. 

5. (Optional but recommended) If you have not previously done so, complete a Direct Deposit form through CardinalPay so that any  loan funds needed for personal expenses will not need to be mailed to you via paper check. The CardinalPay Options can be  accessed in the “Student Account/Make a Payment” section of your Cardinal Students, Student Homepage.  

How much in loan funds may I request, and what loan program will be used? 

Unless otherwise specified, the Financial Aid Office will use the maximums from the above schedule, adjusted to reflect actual number of  credits and applicability of the new student fee. Unless the applicant has not fully utilized the $20,500 annual maximum from the Direct  Unsubsidized Loan program, the summer loan will be from the Direct PLUS Loan program. If the applicant wishes to use a private student  loan, please contact the financial aid office for further guidance. 

If the applicant has not fully utilized his/her loan eligibility for the fall/spring-semesters enrollment period, this eligibility may be utilized in  addition to the summer loan eligibility if needed. Contact the Financial Aid Office to inquire about unused fall/spring-semesters loan  eligibility amounts. 

When may I expect my refund of loan funds not needed for tuition and fees? 

CUA will receive federal loan disbursements for summer sessions 10 days prior to the first day of classes. Typically, the loans are processed,  refunds authorized, and refunds direct deposited within one week of receipt of the federal loan disbursement to CUA. Unexpected delays  can happen, so plan accordingly.