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Programs : Budget Sheet

The following listing represents the Summer Budget Sheet for IES Abroad Santiago Summer - Health Studies.

Summer Budget Sheet for IES Abroad Santiago Summer - Health Studies
Summer Budget Sheet for IES Abroad Santiago Summer - Health Studies
Budget Item CatholicU Students
CUAbroad Application Fee *   $65.00
Program Fee *   $2,800.00
Billable subtotal:  $2,865.00
Airfare   $1,500.00
In-Country Transportation   $200.00
Meals   $400.00
Passport & Pictures   $200.00
Personal Expenses   $750.00
Study Supplies   $75.00
Non-billable subtotal:  $3,125.00
Total: $5,990.00

Upon acceptance, students will be required to submit a $500 deposit directly to IES to confirm their participation in the program. The deposit is non-refundable, but fully applicable towards the total program fee. Catholic University tuition and balance of program fee is charged to the student's Cardinal account.

What's Included 

  • Housing
  • Meals
  • IES on-site support staff
  • On-site orientation and all pre-departure advising
  • Health and emergency evacuation insurance
  • IES Official Transcript upon completion of the program
**The CUAbroad program fee covers the basic accommodation option. Student who choose the furnished apartment option may be billed directly by IES for the difference in cost.**

What's Not Included?
  • Round-trip airfare
  • Passport
  • Additional field trips or excursions
  • Personal expenses


CUAbroad reserves the right to make changes and raise the program fee in light of currency fluctuations or any other unforeseen circumstance. View the CUAbroad Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy.

Metro Students
Tuition rates and program fees may vary for students enrolled in the Catholic University Metropolitan School of Professional Studies. Please contact the Office of Education Abroad for more details.
* Billable item